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Beautiful Design

Graphic design is the methodology of visual communication, and problem-solving through the use of type, space and image. The field is considered a subset of visual communication and communication design, but sometimes the term „graphic design” is used interchangeably with these due to overlapping skills involved.

Brand Identity

How a business wants a brand’s name, communication style, logo and other visual elements to be perceived by consumers. The components of the brand are created by the business itself, making brand identity the way in which a business wants consumers to perceive its brands, not necessarily how it is actually perceived. The brand image held by consumers can reach a point at which a business or product has to rebrand itself or risk not bringing in sales.

Our Brands

Interlog Com SRL
Str. Republicii, Nr. 10

t: 0254 606040
f: 0254 60 60 04

Despre Noi

De peste 17 ani, SC Interlog Com SRL ofera servicii hardware si suport tehnic IT&C de cea mai inalta calitate in zona Brad si in imprejurimi. Pentru companii, oferim servicii pe baza unui contract de administrare si înretinere a tehnicii de calcul sau a unui contract de service la cerere care asigura rezolvarea tuturor problemelor aparute în functionarea tehnicii de calcul indiferent de volumul sau specificul acestoara. Pentru persoane fizice oferim servicii de diagnosticare, depanare, instalare, configurare si optimizare sisteme, la cerere, in service-ul nostru din localitatea Brad, Str, Republicii, Nr. 10.